5 Best Bear Sprays – All You Need to Know with Advice & More

Each person is different and enjoys different activities like reading, singing, or playing games that make them happy. However, outdoor activities can be riskier than indoor ones. For example, if you like surfing or skydiving, you face more physical danger compared to someone who prefers having dinner with friends. Outdoor activities can be enjoyable but require safety preparations like packing appropriate clothes, bringing food and water, and being aware of potential encounters with animals.

While smaller creatures like snakes, rats, and insects are common, the real danger arises when you encounter large carnivorous animals like bears. In this review, we will provide detailed explanations of various products to help you make informed choices for outdoor safety. Explore these unique products in the review to ensure they work effectively when needed.

best choice
Best Bear Sprays

SABRE Frontiersman Bear Spray 9.2 ounces

premium pick

Counter Assault Bear Repellant Spray

great value

Guard Alaska Bear Spray

5 Best Bear Spray Reviews

Below are some of the best bear sprays on the market and their reviews


SABRE Frontiersman Bear Spray 9.2 ounces

Let’s start this review with this excellent product manufactured by SABRE.

Ingredients: This bear spray utilizes capsaicin as its active ingredient, and it contains 9.2 ounces of active repellant. It has been uniquely formulated to be 50% stronger than police pepper spray, which eliminates the risk of failure.

Manufacturer: Good enough, this high-quality product is manufactured in the United States.

Strength: Each burst of this spray comes out with maximum strength and covers a wide range. Once you spray it, it can travel up to 15 feet and put more distance between you and an attacking bear moving at 35 miles per hour. It takes only one second for 1.84 ounces of this repellant to come gushing out when spraying it. The bear will not be able to cut through the fog that this explosive spray will cause. This means that the bear doesn’t have to be close to you before you send it away.

Certification: You might be wondering if this product will perform as expected when you need it to, you no longer have to worry about that because E.P.A and Health Canada approve this spray. It has been tested in the field, and it has been certified as an effective bear spray. This testing occurred at the Elmendorf Air Force Base and Brown Bear Resources.

If you are a true lover of nature and you don’t want to reduce the bear population in this world, you don’t have to worry because this spray only temporarily affects the bear’s ability to smell and see without causing any permanent or fatal injuries.

Packages: This bear spray comes in different packages, and you can decide to either buy it singularly or purchase it along with other useful accessories. The packages include a singular bear spray, a 2-pack bear spray, a bear spray with a belt holster, and a bear spray with a practice spray. This bear spray can be described as an all-in-one product, and you should check out its unique features.

It is also non-flammable and ozone-friendly.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes strong, active ingredients: This bear spray contains capsaicin and other related capsaicinoids which are guaranteed to stop any bear in its tracks. The formula is 50% stronger than police pepper spray, and it eliminates the popular 30% fail rate of other sprays.
  • Field-tested product: This product has been tested on actual bears at the Elmendorf air force base and brown bear resources. You can trust that it will be effective when you need it.
  • Comes in multiple packages: This product comes as a singular product, and you can also choose to buy it with other useful accessories. You should check it out
  • Massive 5-second spray burst: This spray comes out as a massive burst, and the can is emptied within 5 seconds. Bears don’t stand a chance against you with this product in your hand.
  • Made in the U.S.A.: This product is proudly manufactured and tested in the United States
  • Travels up to 15 feet: This spray can travel up to 15 feet once you release it. It will keep away bears that are charging at you even at 35 miles per hour. You don’t have to get close to the bear to repel it
  • E.P.A and Health Canada Approved: The relevant environmental authorities have approved this product. It is non-flammable, and it won’t deplete the ozone layer
  • Safe for Bears: This spray doesn’t cause death or permanent injuries to bears. All it does is rid them of their ability to see or smell for a short period. That way, you can easily go away and get yourself to safety.


  • Brand name: SABRE Frontiersman
  • Size: 9.2 ounces
  • This product is easy to use, and it works immediately
  • This spray also helps to repel other animals
  • Safe to use around camp and on animals
  • This bear spray is quite affordable
  • Puts a significant distance between you and the bear
  • The spray might run out quickly


Counter Assault Bear Repellant Spray

On this platform, we pride ourselves on bringing you products that have been used and approved by a wide range of customers.

Manufacturer: This excellent bear spray repellant manufactured by Counter Assault is not an exception. This product is of high quality, and it is made in the United States by American Workers. Check out the unique features of this product.

Package: This package comes with a bear spray, a belt holster, and a night glow locator.

Ingredients: The formula that this bear spray utilizes is the hottest allowed by law. It contains 2% capsaicin and related capsaicin products. What this formula does is temporarily stop the bear’s ability to see or smell, allowing you to run and keep yourself safe.

Certification: It is not permanently fatal, and friends of nature don’t have to worry about the bear race going extinct because of them. This formula has been tested and proven to be effective against all eight species of bear. You no longer need to replace your bear sprays annually because they are no longer effective. E.P.A has certified this bear spray, and it is environmentally friendly. It meets all the requirements of the Significant New Alternative Policy of the clean air act.

Strength: When you use this spray, it will reach up to 32 feet. This is quite significant because when you see a charging bear approaching you, you don’t have to wait till it is close enough before you spray the repellant. This spray can contain about 10.2 ounces of active repellant, and it is uniquely designed to spray continuously for up to 7 seconds.

Durability: You also don’t have to worry about the durability of this product because once you buy it, it can spend up to 4 years on your shelf.

This means that you can comfortably use it without thinking about the health of the ozone layer.

Key Features:

  • Contains strong, active ingredients: This formula is quite hot, and that is because it utilizes capsaicin as its active ingredient. It also contains other ingredients and the unique blend of everything allows it to be effective against all species of bears.
  • Works perfectly for all species of bears: This formula will repel black bears, polar bears, grizzly bears and all others. It is effective against all eight species of bears.
  • Effective up to 32 feet: When you spray this product, it can travel up to 32 feet before it dissipates into the air. If a bear is charging at you from afar, all you have to do is take a few steps back and spray this product. It will repel the bear before it even has a chance to get close to you.
  • Comes with a night glow locator and belt holster: Hunters will find this feature especially useful. If you are hunting for game at night and you come across a bear, your night glow locator will allow you to find your bear spray easily, and the belt holster will keep it close to you during the day.
  • Safe for bears: This formula will not permanently incapacitate the bear. It will momentarily prevent the bear from smelling or seeing so that you can comfortably flee the scene
  • Sprays continuously for up to 7 seconds: This bear spray canister contains about 10.2 ounces, and this can be emptied within 7 seconds. This means that you don’t have to worry about the effectiveness of this product.
  • Made in the U.S.A.: This product is proudly manufactured and tested in the united states
  • Durable; lasts for up to 4 years: Most spray products don’t last up to a year and stay effective. However, this particular product has been specially designed to sit on your shelf for up to 4 years.
  • Approved by the E.P.A and S.N.A.P: This product has been tested and approved by the relevant authorities. It will not deplete the ozone layer, and it is also non-flammable. It is completely environmentally safe.


  • Brand name: Counter Assault
  • Size: 10.2 ounces
  • This spray helps to repel bears from a far distance
  • This product is durable and can last for a long time
  • This spray is safe for both the bear and the environment
  • Hunters and regular campers favour this spray
  • Works against all species of bears
  • This holster might hold the canister more tightly


Guard Alaska Bear Spray

Another excellent bear spray that you can consider getting is this product manufactured by Guard Alaska.

Package: This package comes with a 9-ounce repellant spray canister and a metal belt clip holster. This active repellant is packaged in an Ultramag shotgun-size canister that allows it to spray continuously for up to 9 seconds.

Test: As an explorer of nature, your life might one day depend on the effectiveness of your safety measures. This is the reason why Guard Alaska tested this product for six years in the wild before finally packaging it as a bear repellant spray.

Certified: This product is registered and certified by the E.PA, and it has proven to be effective against all species of bears.

Formula: The formula contains about 1.34% capsaicinoid, which serves as an active ingredient.

Strength: You can also fire the spray in quick succession bursts and slow down the attacking bear. Another excellent thing about this bear spray is the fogger delivery system that it utilizes. This system allows you to spray the bear repellant up to 20 feet so that you can easily stop the bear without it getting too close to you.

You also don’t have to worry about your safety and that of the environment because this product does not contain flammable or ozone-depleting substances. Check out the amazing features of this product.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes powerful active ingredients: This product contains 1.34% capsaicin and other major ingredients which helps to repel bears. This formula doesn’t just work for bears; it can also be used to repel wild animals and other threats.
  • Comes with one spray canister and metal belt clip holster: The holster allows you to locate and pull out your bear spray easily. This means that you can enjoy your outdoor activity knowing that your bear deterrent is right beside you.
  • Field-tested product: This product was tested in the Alaska wild for six years. This bear brings new meaning to the tested and trusted phrase. Ultimately, you can rely on it to come handy when you need it to.
  • E.P.A registered product: This product follows all E.P.A regulations and the authorities have fully certified it. It is non-flammable, and it does not contain any ozone layer depleting substances.
  • 9-second continuous spray: This can spray empties in 9 seconds, and you can be sure that it will get the job done. You can also fire it in bursts if you like.
  • Utilizes a fogger delivery system: Charging bears are quite fast, and they can reach you quicker than you expect. That is why this product was uniquely designed with a fogger delivery system that allows you to spray up to 20 feet quickly. This will allow you to repel bears before they ever get close to you.
  • Effective and safe for bears: Although this product can help to deter or repel bears of all species, it is not built to kill them. It will only prevent them from seeing and smelling so that you can have the time to get away safely.


  • Brand name: Guard Alaska
  • Size: 9 ounces
  • This product is uniquely designed and made from high-quality materials
  • This bear spray is designed for convenience, and it is easy to use
  • This product comes at an affordable price
  • This bear spray is environmentally friendly
  • It might not be suitable for use in an extremely windy environment.


Mace Brand Maximum Strength Bear Spray

If you are going into a bear territory to have some outdoor fun, then this cost-effective bear spray manufactured by Mace Brand should be your accomplice on the journey.

Ingredients: This bear spray utilizes a 10% oleoresin capsicum pepper formula that is designed to repel bears and other wild animals. This spray contains about 9.2 ounces of active formula, and it empties within 6 seconds.

Strength: When you release this bear repellant spray from the uniquely designed power fogger canister, the spray can reach up to 35 feet in range. What this means is that you don’t have to wait for the bear to get quite close to you before you use your repellant arsenal.

Usage: The spray canister is also designed with a finger loop handle and a safety clip for easy usage.

Certification: This product is registered with the E.P.A, and it has been certified as being environmentally safe.

Check out the wonderful features of this product.

Key Features:

  • Made with strong, active ingredients: This formula contains capsaicin and other ingredients that help to repel bears of all species.
  • Utilizes a power fogger spray: A bear spray canister should be uniquely made to allow you repel bears that are a long-distance away. This product meets exceeds that criteria thanks to its power fogger spray. This spray can reach up to 35 feet when used. If you see a bear coming towards you, you can easily reach for your spray and use it from far away.
  • 6-seconds massive burst: This bottle contains about 9 ounces of active formula, and this can easily be emptied within the 6 seconds. Your safety is important, and your bear spray should be 100% responsive.
  • Finger loop handle: The design of the bottle is unique, and it is made so that you can easily pull it out and hold it. The loop also has a safety clip so that you don’t accidentally spray it on your body.
  • Not suitable for human beings or pets: This formula is quite hot, and you should try your best to make sure that it doesn’t come in contact with your skin or your pets. It is not deadly, and it will eventually wash off, but it can be quite painful during the healing period.
  • E.P.A registered: This product is non-flammable, and it has been certified to be environmentally safe. You can use it as required.


  • Brand name: Mace Brand
  • Size: 9.2 ounces
  • This bear spray is effective, and it works quickly
  • Uniquely designed for safety and comfortability
  • This product is useful for outdoor sports activity
  • The great quality product comes at an affordable price
  • Not suitable for humans or pets


SABRE Frontiersman Bear Spray 7.9 ounces

There is no denying that SABRE Frontiersman products are of high quality and another excellent product you can consider buying is this 7.9-ounce bear spray manufactured by this renowned producer.

Ingredients: This bear spray utilizes capsaicin as its active ingredient, and it contains 7.9 ounces of active repellant. This bear spray has been specially made to be 50% stronger than regular police pepper spray, and it is also designed to come out with maximum strength and cover a wide distance range.

Strength: All you have to do is spray it, and it will travel up to 10 feet and slow down an attacking bear running toward you at 35 miles per hour. Once you spray it, it will release 1.58 ounces of the active formula, and it will only take about a second for this heavy spray fog to kick into action.

The bear will not be able to cut through the fog that this explosive spray will cause and it will eventually have to slow down and give up.

Environmentally Compliant: Since your life and the environment might depend on this bear spray, it needs to go through the right approval channels to make sure that it is safe for use, effective, and environmentally compliant. It is also non-flammable and ozone-friendly.

Certification: You would be glad to know that E.P.A and Health Canada approve this bear spray. It has been tested in the field, and it has been certified as an effective bear spray. This testing occurred at the Elmendorf Air Force Base and Brown Bear Resources.

If you are a true lover of nature and you don’t want to reduce the bear population in this world, you don’t have to worry because this spray only temporarily affects the bear’s ability to smell and see without causing any permanent or fatal injuries.

Manufacturer: This product is proudly made in the United States.

Package: This bear spray comes in different packages, and you can decide to either buy it singularly or purchase it along with other useful accessories. The packages include a singular bear spray, a 2-pack bear spray, a bear spray with a belt holster, a bear spray with a chest holster, a bear spray with a practice spray and an individual practice spray.

Check out the unique features of this product.

Key Features:

  • Made with strong, active ingredients: This formula is made with capsaicin and other active ingredients that helps to repel all species of bears. This formula is 50% stronger than police pepper spray.
  • Safe for Bears: Bears are part of nature, and they are generally regarded as fine creatures. If you come across them when you are outdoors, then using this product will help you repel them without killing them. This formula is designed to disable them from seeing and smelling so you can have enough time to leave the scene.
  • Comes in multiple packages: This product is a bear spray. However, you can also opt to buy packages that will make using the spray easier. You should check out this product and its various packages
  • Empties within 5 seconds: This bear spray is quite smaller than others, but it still empties in 5 seconds. You can use it and escape from a potential bear attack.
  • Made in the U.S.A.: This product is proudly manufactured and tested in the United States
  • Travels up to 10 feet: When you spray this product, it can travel up to 10 feet and meet the bear before it gets to you. This means that you have enough time to get out of the place
  • Field-tested product: This product has been tested at the brown bear resources and the Elmendorf Airforce base. It is effective and safe
  • E.P.A and Health Canada Approved: This bear spray is non-flammable, and it won’t deplete the ozone layer. You can use it while camping or hiking.


  • Brand name: SABRE Frontiersman
  • Size: 7.9 ounces
  • This product is easy to use, and it works immediately
  • This spray also helps to repel other animals
  • Safe to use around camp and on animals
  • This bear spray is quite affordable
  • Puts a significant distance between you and the bear
  • The spray should not come in contact with the skin

Bear Spray

Bears are mostly found in the cold northern regions of America, Asia, and Europe. Bear attacks are likely to happen around this region, and the outcome of these attacks is mostly fatalistic.

Going mountain climbing is good and exciting, but it is also dangerous. If you must, then it is important to take every known precaution to protect yourself. One of such precautions is getting a bear spray.

  • A bear spray is a repellant made from red pepper oil.
  • This repellant inflames the eyes and the upper respiratory system of a charging bear.
  • Spraying this alone will dis-stabilize the bear and give you ample time to secure yourself.
  • Bear sprays are mostly flammable, and only a handful of companies still manufacture them.

When you go outdoor, and you have a bear spray with you, you can rest assured that you can move easily. This buying guide has been put together to show you some of the best bear sprays on the market.


Bear sprays and other protective gear are important for hunters, hikers, campers, and general outdoor lovers. Aside from actually protecting you from bears, bear sprays also help to repel other animals and even human beings. If you ever want to go camping or mountain climbing, it is important to have one of these with you.

This buying guide has been put together to show you some of the best bear sprays on the market and their in-depth review. We hope that by now, you have all the information you need to decide as to which product to purchase.

However, if you still need a few clarifications regarding bear sprays, we hope that this question and answer guide can provide that for you.

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How Do You Defend Yourself Against a Bear?

There are various methods you can apply to protect yourself against a bear. The first and the most important is to use a bear spray. Bear sprays are safe, and they mostly just dis-stabilize the bear for a while giving you time to run.

Another method you can use is by slowly backing away and not running. Bears are calm creatures, and they won’t attack unless they sense they are in danger. Running can put them off, and the bottom line is that you can’t outrun a bear.

Do Bear Sprays Work?

Bear spray is unarguably the best way to take care of angry bears. According to Alaska research, Firearms stop bears about 52% of the time while bear sprays were reported to stop them about 90% of the time. The answer is yes; Bear sprays work.

Will Bear Spray Stop a Charging Bear?

Yes, it will if you apply it in time. Bears are very fast, and that is why most bear sprays have wide-range coverage. If you are a hunter, then buying a holster will save you time and allow you to easily reach your bear spray before the bear gets too close.

What Happens if You Inhale Bear Spray

Inhaling bear spray can cause coughing, nasal irritation, and difficulty in breathing. You should try as much as possible not to inhale bear or pepper spray.

Find out everything about buying equipment for survival HERE.


You might be an experienced outdoor explorer, and you might have been lucky enough not to have come across any bear. However, if you plan to venture into known bear territory, then it is better to be fully prepared. Securing your life is more important than anything in this world, and that includes money.

Buying a bear spray will help you to repel bears and other wild animals that might try to get you in the wild. Since you have read this buying guide, we are sure that you have already come across a product that is comfortable for you and suits your needs perfectly.

We would advise that you do further research and buy this product before your next sojourn into the outdoors. Enjoy!

Learn more about survival tips, tricks, and more HERE.


  • Kyle Lee

    Kyle Lee was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and he always had an interest since childhood in wildlife. Due to his awareness that the USA and other countries had tension with one another, he studied methods to prepare himself if any type of disaster happened. He learned about how to prep if a natural or human-made disaster occurred. That became his passion, which led him to establish Survival Straps, and Kyle is the chief editor. He works as a manager at a camping and outdoor store, lives by himself with his cats, and enjoys watching war documentaries.

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