Survival At Its Best: 20 Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers

The world continues to trend the new part of advancements in technology. Means of doing things have moved to digital format; in the same vein, cybersecurity also arises. Individuals, business cooperation, and government send a huge amount of money to protect their data.

Did you know that, according to The Guardian, Cybercrime costs the US economy 100 billion dollars a year? Also, the WHO reported a dramatic increase in the number of cyber-attacks.

What do hackers do?

Hackers have various intentions for what they do. Hacking is not always in a negative light.

  • We have a record of anonymous going after ISIS.
  • Sometimes, companies pay hackers to find flaws in their systems to fix them.
  • In most cases, hackers want to steal, alter, or delete information on your devices.
  • Hackers access these data without creating awareness of the security breach.
  • It is wrong to think hackers attack only target banks, government, celebrities. You can be their target; yes, some can come for your research results, private pictures, videos, even hacking those banks and websites can affect you.
  • Some hackers sell data to mobs.

Read through this informative post to find out ways to protest yourself. Even hackers are always on the lookout for tips like this because they can be hacked by other hackers.

20 Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers

Protecting yourself from hackers will require a little effort from you. Hackers have different intentions ranging from financial crimes, vandalism, hacktivism, and corporate espionage. Despite the prevalence of computer hackers, we still have to use our digital devices to order, engage with friends, and perform other critical operations.

We have combined 20 tips that will help protect yourself from hackers.

1. Install or Update Your Antivirus Software

Viruses remain the main weapon of hackers. Antivirus software protects your devices and detects real-time threats and help protect yourself from hackers.

Hackers continue to improve virus, so you need to update your antivirus software, although some advance provides automatic updates. We recommend

  • Bitdefender
  • panda
  • Free Antivirus
  • Malwarebytes
  • and Avast; any of them will protect from threats.

Ensure you run or schedule regular virus scans.

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2. Strengthen Your Passwords

Elevate your system’s security by adopting complex passwords. Ensure your passwords have a minimum of 8 characters, incorporating a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easily accessible personal information like birthdays or phone numbers. Struggle to remember them? Opt for password managers like Stricky Password, Password Boss, or Dashiane.

3. Exercise Caution on Public Wi-Fi

Beware of the risks of Public Wi-Fi, which often lacks encryption, leaving your data vulnerable to interception. Refrain from accessing or transferring sensitive information, such as banking or email, over public networks.

4. Be Wary of Email Attachments

Stay alert to the dangers of email attachments, especially those with .exe or .zip extensions, commonly used by hackers. If you receive an unexpected email, verify its authenticity before downloading any attachments.

5. Activate a Firewall

Use a firewall as a defense mechanism against external threats. Windows and macOS have built-in options, but remember to enable them. For enhanced protection, consider purchasing robust hardware firewalls from Cisco or Sophos.

6. Implement Two-Factor Authentication

Enhance your security with two-factor authentication, adding a vital extra layer of defense. This system often requires a numerical code sent to your email or phone, making unauthorized access much harder.

7. Use Unique Email Passwords

Your email is a prime target for hackers. Once compromised, it poses significant risks. Ensure you use a complex, unique password for your email to safeguard against unauthorized resets of your other online accounts.

8. Install Anti-Spyware Software

Protect yourself from spyware, a common hacking tool that records keystrokes and personal information. Anti-spyware software helps detect and block these threats, keeping your data safe.

9. Encrypt Your Hard Drive

For additional security, especially for sensitive information, encrypt your hard drive. Encryption tools like BitLocker and FileVault can prevent hackers from accessing your data, even if they penetrate your network.

10. Shop on Secure Websites

When shopping online, ensure the website is secure. Look for an unbroken key symbol and the ‘https’ in the website’s address, indicating encryption.

11. Dismiss Pop-Ups

Be cautious of pop-ups, which can be disguised malware. Avoid interacting with them to prevent inadvertently granting hackers access to your data.

12. Trust Your Instincts

If something feels off, trust your gut and take action to protect your information. Your instincts are often informed by subtle cues that can identify threats.

13. Avoid Storing Card Details on Websites

While many websites offer encrypted communication, it’s safer not to store your credit card details. Taking an extra minute to enter your details each time can reduce risks.

14. Password-Protect Your Devices

Don’t underestimate the importance of securing your devices with passwords. Use fingerprint scanning technology available on many modern devices for added convenience and security.

15. Regularly Clear Your Browsing History

Your browsing history can be a treasure trove for hackers. Regularly clear your history, cookies, and cached files, and consider disabling history storage in your browser settings.

16. Keep Apps, OS, and Browser Updated

Stay secure by regularly updating your apps, operating system, and browser. These updates often address security vulnerabilities and enhance your overall online safety.

17. Power Down When Not in Use

Shut down your devices when they’re not in use, especially for extended periods. This simple step can disrupt any connections hackers might have established with your device.

18. Use Multiple Email Accounts

Create separate email accounts for different purposes – one for social media, another for online shopping, and so on. This segregation helps in minimizing the risk of cross-platform breaches.

19. Exercise Caution on Auction Sites

Be vigilant on auction sites, especially with deals that seem too good to be true. Consider using a separate email account and regularly update your passwords for these sites.

20. Stay Informed

Stay one step ahead of cybercriminals by reading up on the latest in cybersecurity. Articles like this keep you informed and prepared against potential threats.

Check out more guides with tips, tricks and more on saving yourself from hackers and cyber crime HERE

Survival At Its Best: 20 Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers


Hacking and cybercrime only make the news a few times a month but leave victims with long-lasting impacts. You must have learned that hackers do not target only big firms or celebrities, anyone can be their victims.

These 20 tips will help secure your information. Low-income earners and small businesses can focus really on these tips.

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